Frida Love and Pain - Visual Art Exhibition Curated by Oliver Herring & Peter Krashes
Artists: Janine Antoni, Mike Cloud, Rochelle Feinstein, Oliver Herring, Yashua Klos, Peter Krashes, Zoe Leonard, Ulrike Müller, Ishiuchi Miyako, Paul P., Jimmy Wright
Presented by the Chelsea Music Festival
The artists in Frida Love and Pain share personal experiences of their own or others which intersect with broader political and social themes. How do you memorialize loss? What happens when you look with contemporary eyes at something that was valued in the past? Is there an action you can take in the context of danger or confinement?
These works acknowledge something is missing, changing or unreachable. And there is a sense of loss. But there’s also an act of defiance, an argument for attention and visibility that in itself pushes many of these works into the political sphere.
The artists may use fragility in the face of danger to express defiance; action in the face of containment to express resilience; beauty in the face of illness to express empathy.
Inspired by the context of a pandemic, an emergency caused by racist and transphobic violence, and the politicization of the end of the Trump Presidency, the show draws focus to the proactive actions that elevate personal experience and observations to broader public relevance and purpose.
Exhibition Dates: February 2-27, 2021
Hours: Tue-Sat, 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Venue Name: High Line Nine
Venue Address: 507 West 27th Street, gallery 5, NYC, NY 10001 USA
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