Princeton Arts Alumni (PA2) Mission

To create a network and resources for those involved in the arts as creators, administrators, patrons, or enthusiasts.

To build a strong Princeton arts community—including alumni, faculty, staff, and students—across disciplines, geographies, and decades.

To gather, then share knowledge and experience in service of the arts beyond Princeton.

To create more fortified, resilient arts ecosystems for current and future generations to benefit from and participate in.

Arts X Fest: 10 Years of Princeton Arts Alumni

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Princeton Arts Alumni (PA2) is marking our first 10 years with an alumni-led arts festival: Arts X Fest!

Centered around the phrase “Arts at the intersection of ______,” this series of alumni-hosted and partner-hosted events explores crossroads between the arts and other fields. Events will be hosted by partners and alumni (which could mean you!), taking place in person and online.

Bringing together varied perspectives, Arts X Fest aims to illuminate the impact, power, and ubiquity of the arts in shaping our society.

Princeton Arts Alumni (PA2) is an independent, volunteer-run organization that depends on collaboration from members like you to enhance the resources available to our community.

Explore our current offerings below, and join in!

Monthly News

Learn about arts-related events and offerings submitted by members of the Princeton arts community each month.

On Craft & Process

A submission-based multimedia platform where members of the Princeton arts community and their collaborators can reflect on the practice of artmaking.

Community Database

We host a public database of Princeton-affiliated arts creators, administrators, and supporters to facilitate collaboration and connection.

Knowledge Sharing and Connecting

Since its founding in 2013, PA2 has hosted and co-sponsored in-person and virtual events to showcase our community’s artistry, provide spaces for learning, and create opportunities for connection.