Submissions are closed for the January 21 Virtual Variety show, but if you’d like to participate in our February 18th “second episode of Virtual Variety show, and/or a (possible) third episode on March 18 (depending on interest), you can sign up below and we’ll be in touch with details. Thanks for your interest!

2021 Poster.png

Participate in the 2021 Virtual Variety Show!

Sign up to perform by
January 10, 2021 @ 8 PM EST
Submit your video by January 15, 2021 @ 8 PM EST

Submit your video performance (song, dance, spoken word, stand-up comedy, etc.) to Princeton Arts Alumni's Virtual Variety Show, which will be held on January 21, 2021 @ 8 PM EST!

It can be a pre-existing performance video by yourself or with others.

Questions? Email