Changshuo Liu '19

Noel Yu-Jen Peng '22

Musician, Poet, Writer, Singer

Me in 50 words or less: I'm a writer, poet, and musician based in Brooklyn. I’m interested in experimental, rhythmic, and multilingual forms of storytelling. I write about: creation myths, translanguaging, Asian-Latine historiography, gender & sexuality, empire, docupoetics, and border-crossings of all forms.

Pronouns: she/her

Department: Spanish and Portuguese

Certificate(s): Creative Writing, American Studies, Latin American Studies, Music Performance

Student Group(s): Glee Club, Chamber Choir, Nassau Literary Review, Songline Slam

Bio I'm a writer-musician born and raised on the California coast. I received my B.A. in Spanish from Princeton University, where my thesis: DIÓJUÀ (or Mai travels through Nepantla…and not back) received the Theodore H. Holmes ‘51 & Bernice Holmes Poetry Prize, and was the Grace May Tilton Prize for Fine Arts’ Honorable Mention.

I was also a 2022 June Poets Fellow at the Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts, a 2023 Roots. Wounds. Words. Poetry Fellow, a 2014 California Arts Scholar, and a 2x National Medalist for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.

My poetry has been published or is forthcoming with The Sewanee Review, West Branch, diode poetry, and ghost city review, among others.

I’d like to share my expertise with:

  • Alumni

  • Students

I would like to:

  • Speak on a panel

  • Share advice via phone or coffee chat

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