Danielle Stephenson '20


Danielle Stephenson '20

Actor, Arts Educator, Composer, Lyricist, Musician, Performance Artist, Singer, Songwriter, Writer

Me in 50 words or less:
singer, scholar, song-writer


Department: French and Italian

Certificate(s): Jazz Studies, Journalism

Student Group(s): Jazz Vocal Collective, Jazz Department Creative Large Ensemble, Tigressions Acapella, Meal Plan Collective, Sensemaya Band


Danielle Stephenson, Princeton University Class of 2020, is a singer, musician, and songwriter born in Birmingham, Alabama and raised in Guam USA. A recipient of the ReachOut fellowship and the Anthony H.P. Lee Jazz Studies Prize, she is currently the Program Design Fellow at LA's BEST Afterschool Enrichment, developing virtual music education programming for 200 Los Angeles elementary public school after school programs. Her most recent project, Water Signs, is available on all major streaming platforms.

Featured Project(s) and Video(s)

Water Signs EP (2019)


I’d like to share my expertise with:

  • Alumni

  • Students

I would like to:

  • Speak on a panel

  • Share advice via phone or coffee chat

Contact Danielle Stephenson