185v76 Collaborative's new project: The Not Male Show

A question mark surrounded by many words. Some words include women, girl-identified, and nonbinary.

“The Not Male Show”, a new project from members of the 185v76 artists collaborative, will be launched January 2023, with a target opening date in April.

The increasing emergence and acceptance of self-identities beyond the POV of maleness is an evolutionary tipping point for future society – a change in the psycho-social climate we call culture. Based on works by Princeton alumni artists, the show will investigate how the realities of this accelerating change are experienced and expressed.

Critiquing a specific legacy archetype of maleness, the Not Male Show extends beyond feminism to a more inclusive representation of self-determining identities that are alternative to that archetype. It will simultaneously exhibit an overall group contrast to that legacy and argue against the ambiguous generalization of catch-all categorizations such as LGBTQ -- through art works concretely expressing interpretations and experiences that distinguish these newer cultural identities.

For information about how to join this project, the show goals, and what kinds of works are requested for submission, request the project overview from 185v76 by email to malcolmryder@gmail.com.