Montaigne, Beyond Shangri-la, A Podcast Interview

Montaigne essay - Catapult.jpg

In "Montaigne, My Father, and the Art of Living," an essay in Catapult Culture/Books, I explore what I learned from my father--and Montaigne--about how to live well.

In other news, my interview with Oxford professor Clare Harris, "Beyond Shangri-la," appears in the Winter 2020 issue of Tricycle magazine. We discussed Harris’s work on Tibet and photography, and how Tibetans are taking control of the camera.

It was an honor to speak with alum Dr. Anita Gupta on her Health Logic podcast about my experience of serious illness. I read from "Traveling in Bardo," my AGNI essay about the illness and how it related to my Tibetan family history; we then talked about ways the patient perspective can impact the COVID-19 crisis as well as future directions in health care.

Montaigne, My Father, and the Art of Living Essay:

Beyond Shangri-la Essay:

Health Logic Podcast:

AGNI Essay:

Other Website: