Bardo and the Art of Living: A Conversation with John McPhee '53

Beginning of an article with the title on going into the zone with a drawn image of a man with grey hair below.

In the latest in her Tricycle series, "Between-States: Conversations About Bardo and Life," Ann Tashi Slater '84 speaks with John McPhee '53 about being in the zone while writing. When he emerges from the zone, McPhee says, “it’s like waking up from a dream. You suddenly find out you’re there in your own room, and you thought you were wandering around a trout stream somewhere.” A New Yorker staff writer since 1965, McPhee won the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction in 1999 for his book on geology, ANNALS OF THE FORMER WORLD. Other honors include a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Book Critics Circle and an Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He has written 33 books, on topics ranging from Hall of Fame basketball legend Bill Bradley to orange farming to birch-bark canoes to Russian art.