Celebrate Women's History Month with a New Musical on Film

Cara Reichel - LLL Title Card.png

Prospect Theater Company's VISION Series of new music theater on film presents LADY LAWYER LOCKWOOD RIDES HER TRICYCLE. This original film short is inspired by the life of groundbreaking 19th-century American lawyer Belva Ann Lockwood—the first woman to argue a case before the Supreme Court. Watch as Mrs. Lockwood grapples with her decision to run for President of the United States in the 1884 election, and then enjoy an artist Q&A an artisinal cocktail recipe mixed with plenty of history! Directed by Cara Reichel ‘96.
Visit: https://www.prospecttheater.org/lady-lawyer-lockwood-rides.

Location/Venue Address: 520 8th Ave, Ste 307, New York, NY 10018 US

Ticket Website: http://www.prospecttheater.org/lady-lawyer-lockwood-rides