Center for Performing Arts, Education, and Social Justice in San Rafael, California

Marin Shakespeare Company, co-founded by Lesley Schisgall Currier '84, is nearing completion of a new 15,000 square foot Center for Performing Arts, Education, and Justice in San Rafael, which will house a 165-seat year-round theatre, Lobby/Cabaret space, Classrooms, Administrative Offices, and Costume/Prop/Set storage. The Center is scheduled to open in November of 2022, after a 14-month construction period. Managing Director Lesley Currier says: “We’re incredibly excited to create this venue for our community and look forward to seeing the art future generations will create here, including young people and theatre artists who have survived incarceration. It’s been a little crazy building during covid, but soon we’ll be able to start offering year-round programming, which is very exciting.” The Center will be home to the Returned Citizens Theatre Troupe -- actors who have survived incarceration who tell their stories through theatre -- and headquarters for Marin Shakespeare Company’s Shakespeare for Social Justice program, which has provided Shakespeare and Autobiographical Story-telling classes in California state prisons since 2003. Lesley invites any Princeton alums to come visit!

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