"Songs for a New World" - Music Video Series

Jessica Roemischer playing the piano.

In a compelling alchemy of music, word and curated images, award-winning pianist and visual artist, Jessica Roemischer creates unique videos of classic songs from Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and more. With her evocative vocalizations of familiar lyrics, she conjures the depths of the human experience and, in so doing, a vision of our collective future. Jessica gratefully acknowledges sponsorship by The Roland Corporation. She is seeking additional support to bring the inspiration of music, song and story to the world. (Is it possible to link to the YouTube channel, URL below, as well as embed one of the videos on the announcement page? If so, here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkflwabYxzg Thank you!)

Website: https://www.pianobeautiful.com