Helping Kids Focus on the Process (vs the Products) of Creativity


Like most kids, Alexander loves making art of all kinds. He gets such positive feedback from his family, friends and school (so many prizes!), he wants to keep them all! Forever! Fortunately for everyone, an intervention comes in the form of an old fairy tale, The Kingdom of Tides, in which King Shivo and his people learn a lot about creativity with the help of the Moon. The Kingdom of Tides can be a source of practical (à la Marie Kondo) and metaphysical inspiration for the young and not so young to find joy in creating every day.

This picture book borrows from Hindu teachings and is the first in a series of philosophical picture books by Bill Wescott ’85. Bill believes “a childhood lasts a lifetime” and hopes that readers will find meaning in the experience of sharing the book with little loved ones.

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