Introducing "Latte's Broadway Boogie Woogie" picture book

 Introducing "Latte's Broadway Boogie Woogie" picture book

Meet Latte & The Goldmatians! Author-illustrator Laura Ann Trimble Elbogen '07S07 is delighted to announce that pre-order for "Latte’s Broadway Boogie Woogie: A Big Band Jazz & Dance Ode to NYC Inspired by Dutch Artist Mondrian’s Painting," the inaugural title of the new picture book series, has arrived on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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Interview with Isabel Allende by Ann Tashi Slater

Interview with Isabel Allende by Ann Tashi Slater

Ann Tashi Slater '84 talked with best-selling Chilean-American author Isabel Allende, author of THE HOUSE OF THE SPIRITS, about displacement, exile, and the search for home. “I have had no control over the most important losses that I’ve experienced,” Allende said. “The only thing I can control is how I react, so I just plunge into whatever comes and say yes to life.”

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20th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music

20th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music

At the 20th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music at the Haute École de Musique de Genève-Neuchâtel in Geneva (June 28-July 2, 2023), Elisabeth Kotzakidou Pace, Ph.D. delivered her paper entitled “Voice-type, Embodiment, and the Symbolic Representation of the Archetypal Feminine in J. S. Bach’s Sacred Works” and served as Chair of three conference sessions.

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