Words Without Borders' "Who Writes Peru: Asian Peruvian Writers" + 9/24 Reading


Words Without Borders' September issue "Who Writes Peru: Asian Peruvian Writers," guest-edited by Jennifer Shyue '17, features poetry, short fiction, a novel excerpt, and a crónica by seven Peruvian writers of Asian descent. Among the translators is Margaret Wright '17.

On September 24, there will be a Zoom reading with the issue's writers and translators. More details and registration on Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/3kfDnVI

(Banner design by Victoria Liu '17)


Ticket Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/who-writes-peru-a-bilingual-reading-of-asian-peruvian-writers-tickets-120286627541

Turn The Page: A Movement to Uplift Black-Owned Bookstores


Turn The Page is an anti-capitalist movement to uplift Black-Owned bookstores, Black literature, and Black voices. Our collective is made up of artists, activists, and allies. We are Queer and Black + Latinx-led, grounded in Black radical, feminist, queer, and anti-capitalist thought.

Our movement began after observing people throughout the country turning to white-owned bookstores like Amazon to purchase anti-racist literature. Frustrated by this, we challenged the folx in our networks: commit instead to 1) supporting Black bookstores with monthly purchases, 2) reading and engaging with the Black-authored literature, and 3) getting friends to join you in this work.

Turn The Page partners with Black-owned bookstores to build a relationship that centers the bookstores needs. Our current partnership is with SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE (SOK), one of two Black-owned bookstores in all of New Jersey. With our bookstore partner, we collaborate on bi-monthly Black Liberation Literature Collections for our reader communities and virtual events related to our featured works.

Recently, we launched our August-September Collection, full of beautiful works we encourage you all to add to your bookshelves. All of the books can be ordered directly from SOK through our website. Also, we have set out to raise $25K for Read and Feed, SOK’s free yearly literacy program. We have raised $9,000 so far, but continue to need your support to reach our goal.
We invite you to join the movement however you're able!

“Believing in something is never enough. We must turn our beliefs into collective action.”
- Charlene Carruthers

Facebook URL: http://www.facebook.com/turnthepagemovement/

Twitter URL: http://twitter.com/ttpmovement

Instagram URL: http://instagram.com/turnthepagemovement

Other Website: http://turnthepagemovement.org

Slime Queen EP out, debut album forthcoming September


Poet/writer/Fulbright Fellow/singer/producer Julie Chen '17 released her debut EP "Some Slower Songs" on July 28, 2020, with features from Michelle Navis '17 and Josh Chen '14, and cover art by Simon Wu '17. Stream it on SoundCloud now at https://soundcloud.com/sssslimequeen/sets/slime-queen-some-slower-songs, and stay tuned by following @sssslimequeen on SoundCloud and Instagram for the debut album "Slime Season 2020" forthcoming September and ensuing live performances!

Online Recording Class for YouTube, Soundcloud, Instagram


IVA Voice Studio is offering a weekly online seminar for students to learn how to record their creative work in a home studio and post that content on online music forums like Instagram, SoundCloud, and YouTube. With the help of Universal Music artist IVA and New School of Jazz and Contemporary music trained Michelle Ley, you will:

* Learn to record with hardware and software that you already have or that is easy to access
* Create a space at home in which you can make high quality recordings
* Record audio and video that makes your listeners/viewers pay attention
* Learn how to promote your creative work online
* Get help creating and promoting your Social Media accounts
* Get help registering your original work if necessary with ASCAP or BMI to protect it
* Perform/present online LIVE with your classmates
* BONUS – private follow-up strategy session to help keep your recording going strong.
Detailed Curriculum: https://ivavoice.com/online-class/

Facebook URL: http://facebook.com/ivavoice

Instagram URL: http://instagram.com/iva_voice/

Other Website: http://ivavoice.com/online-class/

Other: https://linktr.ee/ivavoice

My essay on Tibetan bardo/COVID-19/Japanese "ma" in Kyoto Journal

In the Cave - Ann Tashi Slater.png

I'm delighted to have an essay, "In the Cave," in Kyoto Journal 98! This beautiful issue focuses on the Japanese concept of "ma": empty space with creative potential. I wrote about the connection between the Tibetan idea of "bardo" (the interval between death and rebirth, as well as any period when our ordinary reality is suspended), COVID-19, and ma: "The epidemic interval we're experiencing is an in-between like ma, like bardo...space charged with possibility." The issue is available through the Kyoto Journal website: https://bit.ly/32oiEYO

'Our Philadelphia,' a new documentary short about the untold aftermath of gun violence


This summer, in collaboration with a group of teenagers, Nora Gross '08 produced a documentary short, 'Our Philadelphia.' The film offers a rare peek into the aftermath of neighborhood gun violence and particularly how it impacts the young friends of victims. The young people who directed the film and are featured in it, all Black male teenagers, share openly about the memories of their friends, the way they cope with their grief, and their hopes and fears for the future.

The film's virtual premiere on YouTube on July 11, 2020 was followed by a Q&A over Zoom with two of the film's youth directors. More information as well as links to the 15 minute film and recorded Q&A can be found at: http://www.camrapenn.org/ourphiladelphia

The themes of the film are connected to Gross' doctoral dissertation which she just completed at the University of Pennsylvania (Sociology and Education). She is now starting as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Boston College, and working on a second short film emerging from this project about the experiences of the mothers of gun violence victims.

My New Book is Available for Pre-Order on Amazon!


Hi Fellow Princetonian!
I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that my book, "Don't Mess with Stress™--A Simple Guide to Managing Stress, Optimizing Stress, and Making the World a Better Place" is launching right now in Kindle format for Pre-Order on Amazon! Both e-book and paperback are set to release on November 17th.
Please see the link if you would like to purchase it:

Thank you so much for your support!

New Facebook Group Quizes your Knowledge of Visual Culture


"Guess the Artist"--created by an Art & Architecture alum, is a thrice-weekly Facebook quiz testing connoisseurship and knowledge of iconography, history, influences, and other aspects of visual culture, based on a selected image. Examples might be little-known works by well-known names, album covers, advertising images, doodles, etc. -- intended to engender dialogue and debate about who, what, and/or why. Current members include art specialists and keen novices -- the point is to have fun, test your eye, and take a break from the usual FB fare. Search the Facebook group "Guess the Artist" and ask to join -- everyone welcome.

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/602904116990161/