Writer and journalist Jordan Salama '19 publishes his first book, EVERY DAY THE RIVER CHANGES: FOUR WEEKS DOWN THE MAGDALENA

Writer and journalist Jordan Salama '19 publishes his first book, EVERY DAY THE RIVER CHANGES: FOUR WEEKS DOWN THE MAGDALENA, an exhilarating travelogue for a new generation about a journey along Colombia’s Río Magdalena, exploring life by the banks of a majestic river now at risk, and how a country recovers from conflict. Expanded and adapted from his senior thesis at Princeton, EVERY DAY THE RIVER CHANGES will be available on November 16 wherever books are sold, or you can order online here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/676218/every-day-the-river-changes-by-jordan-salama/.

Event Date(s) and Times: Every Day the River Changes -- NYC Book Launch!
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 8pm EST
Book Club
197 E 3rd St
New York, NY 10009
Location/Venue Name: Book Club, 197 E 3rd St, New York, NY 10009