Emily Liushen '22
/Emily Liushen ’22
Emily Liushen (b. 1999) is a contemporary composer and clarinetist. She writes music because, like so many others, she is ineffably drawn to commiseration. Her primary compositional interests include wind instruments, additive rhythms from speech, and musical framing narratives.
Support the Artist
PayPal: ahhnaq01@gmail.com
CashApp: $liushen
Instagram: @emilyliushen
SoundCloud: @eliushen
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCktjXNFc7vt_OhAVln1A6FQ
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5DN4GOnuQ10sGPulNL0kNo?si=sgC8O6T2Q3mvY4iETnIk8g