Ann Tashi Slater interviews David Sedaris and Gish Jen, and publishes an essay in WANTING: WOMEN WRITING ABOUT DESIRE

A drawn picture of a person with the title being 'On Parents, Connections with strangers, and embracing what you have.

Ann Tashi Slater '84 spoke with David Sedaris and Gish Jen for the latest interviews in her Tricycle magazine series about Tibetan Buddhist bardo and the art of living. Her conversation with Sedaris was about parents, connections with strangers, and embracing what you have (; she talked with Jen about existing between cultures and being the author of your own life (

Ann's essay about Buddhism and desire, "Leaving the Palace," appears in WANTING: WOMEN WRITING ABOUT DESIRE, a new anthology from Catapult Books ( "Slater’s essay underscores what’s at stake when women write about desire: self-determination and the realization of their full humanity." (Ploughshares review)