Live Glassblowing in Tzfat Israel

Live Glassblowing in Tzfat Israel

World renowned glass blowing artist Sheva Chaya Shaiman (aka Darcey Shaiman’97) offers live glassblowing demonstrations and workshops in her gallery in the old city of Tzfat, Israel. She shares her story of coming to Israel after graduating from Princeton in 1997, learning glassblowing, and finding riveting spiritual sources in the tradition which bring a new light to the amazing experience of glassblowing.

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Ann Tashi Slater interviews David Sedaris and Gish Jen, and publishes an essay in WANTING: WOMEN WRITING ABOUT DESIRE

Ann Tashi Slater interviews David Sedaris and Gish Jen, and publishes an essay in WANTING: WOMEN WRITING ABOUT DESIRE

Ann Tashi Slater '84 spoke with David Sedaris and Gish Jen for the latest interviews in her Tricycle magazine series about Tibetan Buddhist bardo and the art of living. Her conversation with Sedaris was about parents, connections with strangers, and embracing what you have (; she talked with Jen about existing between cultures and being the author of your own life (

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Call for entries - The Not Male Show

Call for entries - The Not Male Show

Malcolm Ryder of the 185v76 artists collaborative will complete and publish a key piece of the preparatory work for artists who submit to the Not Male Show, an exhibition that uses the expressiveness of visual art to convey experiences distinguishing myriad self-identifications contrary to the conventional gender stereotype of "Male".

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