Slime Queen '17's debut album SLIME SEASON 2020 out now on SoundCloud, Spotify, and other major platforms


Slime Queen is Julie Chen '17, a Brooklyn poet/writer who started making pop music on her laptop in May 2020. Her 10-track debut album, SLIME SEASON 2020, is out now on SoundCloud (, Spotify (, and other major platforms.

The album features excruciatingly honest lyrics à la Lorde over electronic sounds and hooks influenced by Charli XCX, PC Music, and K-pop. It was a true labor of love with other alumni collaborators: Josh Chen '14, Michelle Navis '17, Joy Li '17, and Simon Wu '17, who photographed the album art and designed the lyrics zine ( Keep up with Slime Queen's burgeoning pop career on SoundCloud and Instagram @sssslimequeen.

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