Prospect Theater Company's VISION Series Music-Theater on Film

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Prospect’s VISION Series is a new initiative launched in 2020, to continue the company's mission of creating and presenting original musical theater works, while public gatherings are on pause. Three original short films were released in October 2020 - now streaming on our YouTube Channel or viewable at THE BAND AT THE END OF THE WORLD, LADY LAWYER LOCKWOOD RIDES HER TRICYCLE and UNRAVELL'D.

Location/Venue Address: 520 8th Ave, Ste 307, New York, NY 10018 US

Ticket Website:

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Alissa Hsu Lynch '90 joins American Ballet Theatre Board of Trustees


Alissa Hsu Lynch '90 was recently appointed to the Board of Trustees of American Ballet Theatre--America's National Ballet Company. Alissa earned her A.B. in English and spent countless hours during her undergraduate years dancing with Expressions Dance Company and at 185 Nassau with the Theater and Dance Department. She now lives in the Seattle area and works for Google leading MedTech Solutions for Google Cloud. In recent years, she's enjoyed visiting campus to watch her youngest son Liam Lynch '21 perform with DiSiac Dance Company.

New work in Catapult and a talk about exploring our family histories

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I have a new piece, "How a Tibetan Turquoise Pendant Keeps Me Close to Home," in the "Darjeeling Journal" series of my Catapult column. It's about the meaning of home and continuity between generations. (

And on October 26, I gave a talk--"What Our Family Histories Can Teach Us About Ourselves"--sponsored by Princeton Women in Media and Technology and hosted by Caroline Coleman '86. I discussed my journey from Princeton to Darjeeling to Tokyo, how I reconnected with my Tibetan roots, and how we can explore our family histories. (

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It's a Beautiful Day in "Sister Roger's Gayborhood!"


Best friends and collaborators Roger Q. Mason '08 and Lovell Holder '09 are thrilled to announce the launch of their new podcast "Sister Roger's Gayborhood!" Join Roger and Lovell as they sit down with some of the most influential LGBT folx from across every industry, learning how their guests' queer identities and connections to community have informed and guided their careers, goals, and professional lives. Guests include actor Garrett Clayton and drag icon Miss Peppermint - and don't miss out on appearances from fellow Princetonians Heather Rae Martin '08, Jordan Kisner '09, and Alex Bisignano '09.

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Slime Queen '17's debut album SLIME SEASON 2020 out now on SoundCloud, Spotify, and other major platforms


Slime Queen is Julie Chen '17, a Brooklyn poet/writer who started making pop music on her laptop in May 2020. Her 10-track debut album, SLIME SEASON 2020, is out now on SoundCloud (, Spotify (, and other major platforms.

The album features excruciatingly honest lyrics à la Lorde over electronic sounds and hooks influenced by Charli XCX, PC Music, and K-pop. It was a true labor of love with other alumni collaborators: Josh Chen '14, Michelle Navis '17, Joy Li '17, and Simon Wu '17, who photographed the album art and designed the lyrics zine ( Keep up with Slime Queen's burgeoning pop career on SoundCloud and Instagram @sssslimequeen.

Instagram URL:

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My New Book is Available for Pre-Order on Amazon and being released on November 17th in e-book and paperback!


Stress got you down during these challenging times? Then check out my book, "Don’t Mess with Stress™--A Simple Guide to Managing Stress, Optimizing Health, and Making the World a Better Place," available now for Pre-Order on Amazon and being released in e-book and paperback on November 17th!

The Little General: The Graphic Novel by Mark Lerer '81


What happens when three eighteen-month-old babies plot, scheme, and intrigue against each other? Funny, sharp, and beautifully rendered in a new full-color edition, Mark Lerer's satirical graphic novel, based on an inspiration by Andrew Coe, doesn't simply bemoan the tragedy of all wars-- it shows how the damn things get started in the first place.

Available as "The Little General in Full Color" on