Yale Cabaret’s Innovative Virtual Season


For the Yale Cabaret’s historic entirely socially distanced 53rd season, the Cab Company (Co-Artistic Director Maeli Goren, ‘15) will produce 15 groundbreaking works of theater that attempt to answer the essential question: what does it mean for theater to be “live,” now? The season also features several ongoing live projects including the food-centric Cab Potluck series and Spark Factory, workshops in innovative theatrical technologies. We encourage bold explorations of new media and works that remind us how theater can connect us in a time of separation. The only limits are our imaginations! 

Alongside the live season, we look forward to featuring installations, visual art, film works, sound compositions, and other pre-existing or pre-recorded works of art in the new virtual Cab Gallery throughout the season. Any artist is welcome to submit work for this space.

In all that we do and make this year, we are committed to leading with actions for justice and liberation. Visit our website to view our commitments to the Black Lives Matter movement and our dedication to centering Black joy, artistry, and storytelling as well as uplifting the voices of Indigenous artists and other artists of color.

Ticket Website: http://cabaret-tickets.yale.edu/events

Facebook: http://facebook.com/yalecabaret/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yalecabaret/

Other Website: www.yalecabaret.org