Rachel Lyon '05

Rachel Lyon '05

Rachel Lyon is the author of SELF PORTRAIT WITH BOY (Scribner 2018), which was a finalist for the Center for Fiction's 2018 First Novel Prize and the 2020 International Dublin Literary Award. Her short work has appeared in publications such as One Story, Longreads, and Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading. Rachel is the Editor-in-Chief of the literary journal Epiphany. She has taught creative writing at Catapult, the Sackett Street Writers Workshop, and elsewhere.

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Eric Lyon '84

Eric Lyon '84

Eric Lyon is a composer and computer music researcher. Lyon’s publicly available software includes FFTease and LyonPotpourri, collections of audio objects written for Max/MSP and Pd. He is the author of “Designing Audio Objects for Max/MSP and Pd” (A-R Editions, 2012), which explicates the process of designing and implementing audio DSP externals.

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Sam Gravitte '17

Sam Gravitte '17

He/him. Sam is currently (outside of pandemia) playing Fiyero in the Broadway company of Wicked. He most recently worked with Roger Q. Mason on a Zoom excerpt of Roger's new play The Pride of Lions for Dixon Place HOT Festival. Broadway: Wicked. Regional/Touring: Almost Famous (O/C, Old Globe), Joseph... Dreamcoat (ACT), Wicked. BA: Princeton University. He is a musician, an aspiring writer, and a burgeoning Marxist. @samgravitte

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Jenny Marlowe '04

Jenny Marlowe '04

Jenny Marlowe (she/her/hers, currently living on Wampanoag land) is an actor, writer, educator, facilitator, and community activist. She is an outspoken advocate for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the arts with a particular focus on issues of representation for Indigenous people in media and popular culture.

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